fredag den 10. marts 2017

Letter of Intention

My name is Rune Marcuslund, And I am 27 years old.
Last year (2016) i applied for the CGA program but unfortunately did not get to an interview. This year, I'm re-applying for the bachelor degree in Computer Graphics Arts (CGA)
I'm applying due to my inner passion for digital art, 3D movies and interactive games, but also for a future within the game or movie industry. Looking back at my childhood, I was completely engulfed into fantasy worlds that were filled with mystique and creatures. My first encounter with Norse Mythology had an immense impact on my inspiration. I would sit and draw everything from Trolls, Jotunns, to the great fenris wolf. Equipped with my pencil, going through primary school and highschool was a pure drawing-adventure!

After highschool I attended 3D college, in Grenaa. I spent months applying for an internship, but my hardship was without prevail. This, unfortunately, meant i had to terminate the education prematurely.

Although ending 3D college early, it left me with something great. It left me with a great proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, 3D Studio Max and multiple Web-programming languages. But perhaps most important of all, a great mindset for teamwork. As all projects at 3D college were done in groups, i quickly realised that you can accomplish alot more, if you work together. I grew as a teamplayer.

With these tools in my toolbox, i started working freelance with Web-design.
Which later led me to work as a programmer at Grundfos. The 4 years at Grundfos was quite the maturing-process for me.

Since day one, I had projects with a lot of responsibility. I had to be well versed with Pipelines, Deadlines, Group-orientation and again, a lot of Teamwork.
While i was working with programming, not a single moment would pass me by without thinking:
"How did i end up here, Why am i not chasing my creative dreams?"

After a while i figured: "chasing my dreams and doing what makes me happy, is the single most important thing in my life."
Now that I'm back on my creative path and doing everything that i can to feed my soul, my passion for drawing have never been greater. It's now over 1 year ago i started the journey to fulfill my dreams. As i mentioned in the beginning; I applied last year (2016) but did not make the cut. Today my inner fire is still burning bright and i couldn't be more excited about applying this year aswell!

So what are my dreams?
- My greatest career dream and goal is becoming a Game Designer within the indie game industry. I am confident that the knowledge I'll have from both worlds, the logical programming and the creative, will help me push the limits of indie-gameplay.

Another great line of work i would love is: 3D sculpting and modelling. As a final project at 3D college, I made a small zombie-shooter game. Every little step of the game-development process was quite enjoyable. Doing the conceptual drawings, scenery, modelling, texturing, rigging and a tiny bit of animating was super stressful, but probably the most fun I've had in the making of a project.

Talking about games... Games such as Binding of Isaac, Mass Effect and Dark souls, inspires me to an extend where the work behind the game is as interesting as the game itself! These are games with a unique gameplay, Great storyline and amazing artwork. With a curious mind, I would look up who worked on these games. I stumbled upon names like Edmund Mcmillen, Feng Zhu, Ken Wong, and Matt Rhodes. Following them stoked my motivational fire, especially throughout the time I worked on this portfolio.

I hope you will give me a chance to go on another adventure and grow as an artist,
and I am eager to hear what you think of my portfolio!

- The education will be financed by my savings I made from working with programming.
Should there be an issue at some point, Su-Loan will complement my savings.

Best Regards, Rune Marcuslund.

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